Sunday, October 3, 2010

GEC last POST in this WEBSITE


3 past years ago..

I was just a regular soul walking to teach regular youngones

Without heart

Without goals

Without laughter

I walk through corridors, lobby, classes, hall with an empty chest

Locked with a key called DAILY work...

Now this heart knows that that key had lost long time ago...

When this piece of God Creation started to use heart to see the young ones

Now..without seconds to count..I will step off this great place

I will walk to leave the young souls behind..

Leaving great memories behind..

I will never forget those times we shared our stories together

I will never forget those times we shared knowledge together

Those times...when I can hear the voices “hi sir” out open!

The times when you say..”Good morning Sir!”

The times..when you say...”Bye sir..see you tommorrow sir!” coz tomorrow I ain’t going to hear it anymore!

I will miss our deep conversation...

I will miss our laughter that brings more color upon knowledge

I will miss those times when I know the real meaning of patience, integrity & hard work

I will miss when we share tears together

I will miss the times when I have to survive to go trough your test & exam papers...

I will surely never forget those days...where you put more colors to my life!

This words may have come to an End.

But as Lights accompany thunder...

My heart will always remain...with all of you my great Students!

(THANK YOU!) This poem is dedicated to all students of SMA Gandhi Ancol.

This poem will be the mark of the end of this website..this is the First Official Website of The Gandhi English Club. For further records of GEC and its achievements...please visit our new WEBSITE :
Keep on ROCKIN! Farewell! hope our friendship will last forever and GECers will someday be called as Winners!


Anddy Steven
Your Coach!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Debaters & News Casters 2010

Congratulations for the following students who are going to be the Representatives in 2 great competitions:

SMAK 3 Week Beverlys
26-28 August 2010

Team A

Donna Leonardi
Steven Gunawan

Team B


ECOM 2010 BINUS International


Gracia Stephanie
Natasha Amanda
Stefanny Gunawan

Suggested News Caster:


(will be updated soon...)

Best of luck guys&girls...ROCK your life!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Follow US!

Dear Gandhiers & GECers,

We just want to publish our contacts info if you have any questions, suggestions or even something that you want to share with us...

@Facebook : Gandhi English Club
@Twitter :
@gmail :

We will try to keep this blog updated with the latest keep Rockin!

GEC Board

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The great Achievements of Gandhiers

The achievements of Gandhi English Club..More to come since we will not be satisfied...

First & Second Winner
of Broadcasting Competition in National English Competition, BINUS University. (Cassandra & Albert Mikael)

First winner
English Essay Competition in National English Competition, BINUS University(Kevin Julius Tanady)

Group Debate Winner
in Education Exhibition of DIKNAS Jakarta Utara (Philip D, Kenny L. & Leonita A.P)

Quarter Finalist Debate Competition
(from 32 teams), ECOMM 2009 BINUS Universtity International (Only 3 weeks of practice without coach)
Team A : Leonita, Madeline, Nicholas Umar (FEP) & Metta V
Team B : Kenny L., Valensia (FEP), Donna & Rina (FEP)

Finalist News Casting Competition,
ECOMM 2009 BINUS University International (From 60 Participants University & Highschool Students)
Gracia & Natasha Amanda (Rank 4th for Gracia)..we did not reach rank 1 - 3 because of a silly reason from the Judges....their HAIR..give us a break! Such a lame excuse.

First & Second Best Speaker
Debate Competition in BEVERLYS SMAK 3 Penabur (out of 24 Teams - 72 Speakers) (Leonita & Valensia)

Quarter finalist Debate Competition
in BEVERLYS SMAK 3 (Both teams)
Team A: Leonita, Valen & Dona
Team B: Kenny, Metta & Rio Risando

Quarter finalist Debate Competition
The same Teams with the involvement of a newbee from class X (Jane)

This HISTORY will not stop..coz our spirit will keep shining...because
Gandhiers are not QUITTERS even though we are not (yet) WINNERS!!!

NEXT COMPETITION HECOM 2009 & National English Olympics 2010 by BNEC..LETS ROCK!